Andorra Group Limited Home Page

Andorra Research Ltd. provides an expert resource for the professional collection and assimilation of the appropriate information and intelligence necessary as the basis for the definition of metrics on which future planning and measurements can be based and against which performance can be monitored and modified.

Specialists in:

  • the identification and definition of the data, information and subject matter that's relevant to your organisation;
  • the identification and definition of methods for collecting and processing that data, information and subject matter;
  • the collection and organisation / cataloguing / structuring / categorising of data and information;
  • the processing, presentation, formulation and controlled dissemination of the data, information and subject matter

Before any decisions are made or changes are considered it is essential that the current "state of play" is evaluated and defined. The 'state of play' may include internal factors such as organisational structure; past, current and anticipated performance (financial, social, outputs, inputs, historic, current, anticipated, etc.); as well as external factors such as the environment, the economy (social, political, financial), the industry, competitors, and complimentors.

We remove doubt, uncertainty and ambiguity and provide unequivocal fact: to allow decisions and actions to be based on relevant and appropriate reality.

Andorra Limited
Colthouse Grange Farm
North Yorkshire

UK Tel: +44 1423 755050
UK Fax: +44 1423 301020
Spain Tel: +34 931 816790
