Andorra Group Limited Home Page

Andorra Marketing Limited satisfies an essential communication requirement to and from the wider community that impacts an organisation and often, more importantly, to those within the organisation. The identification, targeting and segmentation or your community, and formulating the appropriate messages (technical, rational, emotional, and subliminal) to the members of that community are crucial to meaningful interaction, reaction and understanding.

Marketing internally to the organisation and its constituents is concerned with the emotional delivery of information and purpose to people. It tries to galvanise them to action and encourage them to adopt the appropriate behaviour in order to achieve an organisation's goals. It attempts to rally people. Increase their sense of options. Stimulate, inspire and arouse them. It's about replacing apathy and disinterest with enthusiasm, passion and motivation to act. It is different from, but essentially complementary to, communications associated with technical and operational competence and the training of hard skills.

Andorra Limited
Colthouse Grange Farm
North Yorkshire

UK Tel: +44 1423 755050
UK Fax: +44 1423 301020
Spain Tel: +34 931 816790
